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(Legacy CRM) How Do I Add and Manage Staff in ChildCareCRM?
(Legacy CRM) How Do I Add and Manage Staff in ChildCareCRM?

This article explains the process to add and manage staff in your CRM.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 3 months ago

Depending on the circumstances (e.g. the new staff member is replacing another staff member) the process can involve up to four-steps:

1. Entering the Staff member data.

2. Setting the User’s system privileges.

3. Reassigning Tasks from a previous Staff member to a new Staff member (If applicable).

4. Assigning the new Staff member as the Director on the Location Information screen (if applicable).

 Here is a step-by-step tutorial to help you add a staff member and make sure nothing gets missed:

 Step One: Enter the Staff Member 

·        Go to Settings > Staff Settings > Staff Information>Add Staff Member.

The following pop-up window will appear:

 Enter the following information (required fields have red asterisks):

  a.    * User Name: For a professional appearance, try to establish a naming convention that will be used consistently for all users in your database. For example, for Janice Smith, use initial of first name and full last name like so: JSmith. If the user name is not available, add the middle initial as an option. Other conventions might be JaniceSmith or Janice.Smith for example. 

b.   *First Name: Enter user’s first name. Capitalize the first letter. This information can be merged into email templates. 

c.    *Last Name: Enter user’s last name. Capitalize the first letter. This information can be merged into email templates. 

d.   Time Zone: In order for the system to be able to convert times for tasks and events that are based on the user’s time zone, this field must be populated with the correct information; otherwise, the default setting would be the Central time zone, where the server resides. 

e. *Recovery Email Address: This information is used if the user ever needs to reset their password, this email address will receive a password reset link- we recommend using network addresses over personal email address where applicable.

f.    Email Address: This information can be merged into email templates. The user can also receive notification emails for upcoming tasks and events. 

g.    Phone: This information can be merged into email templates. It is also merged into support tickets so that technical support may contact the user. 

h.   Ext: This information can be merged into email templates. 

i.    Phone Type: If cell phone type is entered, the user can receive notification texts for upcoming tasks and events. This information is also merged into support tickets so that technical support may contact the user. 

j.     Alternate Phone: This information is merged into support tickets so that technical support may contact the user. 

k.     Phone Type: This information is also merged into support tickets so that technical support may contact the user. 

l.     Active: If this box is checked, the user may access the system. If it is unchecked, the user may not access the system. 

m.     Position Title: This information can be merged into email templates. 

n.  *Org. Level: This determines what organization level the user can access. 

o.    Manager: This field will be used for a future enhancement that will allow the user’s manager to receive reports when user falls behind in completing tasks. 

p.   Employment Date: The date in this field must on or before the date that the user logs in the system. 

q.   Termination Date: If the date entered in this field is on or before today’s date, the system will inactivate the user’s log-in. If it is set for a future date, the user will be able to log in to the system until that date. 

r.   *Password: The password must contain at least one capital letter,one number and must be a minimum of eight characters in length. 

s.     *Verify Password: The password must contain at least one capital letter, one number and must be a minimum of eight characters in length. 

t.    Staff Comments: Pertinent comments about the staff member may be entered in this memo box. 

u. Inbound Communication Notifications: The user will receive an email notification when a lead replies to a communication (email or text) the user has sent from the system. The email notification will be sent to their Contact Email Address.

 Once the pertinent information has been entered, click on the save button. 

 Step Two: Set the User’s System Privileges

Go to Settings > Staff Settings > System Privileges. 

· Find the user’s name from the list of staff members and click on that row on the list. 

·  The user’s Read Access and Modification Access will be set on this screen. 

· Read Access: By default, the user’s system privileges are set so that all boxes are unchecked except for Home. You may grant the user Read Access to various areas in the system by checking each individual box, or you may simply click on Check All to grant the user Read Access to all areas. Conversely, you can click on Uncheck All to uncheck all boxes once they’ve been checked. 

·Modification Access: You may grant the user Modification Access to various areas in the system by checking each individual box, or you may simply click on Check All to grant the user Modification Access to all areas. Conversely, you can click on Uncheck All to uncheck all boxes once they’ve been checked.

 Click on the Save button once you’re finished setting the user’s system privileges. 

Step Three: Re-assigning Tasks (if applicable) 

 A staff member may not be terminated, inactivated or moved to another location without first re-assigning any tasks they currently have to another person who will be handling those tasks. 

· Go to Settings > Staff Settings > Staff Information. 

·Select the staff member whose tasks you want to reassign. 

·Click on Manage Tasks

Select the Organization Level in which that user is located.

·Select the name of the user to whom the tasks will be reassigned. 

·Click on Submit. 

Step Four: Setting Up the New User Within the Location Record as a Director or Administrative User (if applicable)  

Email merging of the Director and Administrator at a Location are controlled by the staff member assigned as the Location Director and Location Administrator on the Location screen. The merge field in the email will look to this screen to get the proper staff member and then to the staff information area to obtain the contact information for that staff member to merge into the email. 

· Go to Settings > Organization Settings > Location then click on the appropriate location for that user. A pop-up window titled View Location will appear. Click on the Edit button.

Select the user as a Director user or Administrative user (assistant director),as appropriate.

This will come into play in the email templates, when you want to be able to use merge fields. The contact information for the location director(LocDirector***) or administrator (LocAdmin***) can be merged into the body of the emails. If the user is at the Organization level and has marketing or administrative responsibilities for the system, you may enter the Staff person under Marketing Contact or Administrative Contact, if appropriate. Go to Settings>Organization Settings>Organization Information to do this and then click on the Edit button. 

Click on the Save button. 

  How do I transfer a staff member to another location? 

1.Reassign tasks to another person at the staff member’s current location (refer to page 3 for instructions). 

2. Change location assignment and staff position (if applicable)on staff member (refer to page 4 for instructions) and update staff permissions if they changed. 

3. Assign any existing staff person’s task to the new staff personas appropriate. 


How do I terminate/de-activate a staff member? 

1. Reassign tasks to another person at the staff member’s current location (refer to page 3 for instructions). 

2. Enter a termination date. 

3. Uncheck the Active flag (this will happen automatically if the termination date is on or before the current date). 


**IMPORTANT: You must complete both steps 2 and 3 for the account be considered de-activated.


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