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(Legacy CRM) Drip Campaigns
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

To enable Drip Campaigns in your database, contact

Getting Started with Drip Campaigns: 

After this feature has been enabled in your system, you'll want to enable the feature in your Preferences Tab located underneath your Organization Settings. The checkbox for enabling the feature is found underneath “System Options” as displayed below. Once enabled, anyone above a location level will be able to access them. 

Secondly, we recommend that you have a few things ready to go, so building your drips out is easy breezy: 

  • Have your email templates ready 

  • Map out your drip campaign 

  • Think through the different workflows that can happen within the campaign (think through “If” and “When” scenarios), and how the campaign will affect your overall workflow in CRM. 

Within Drip Campaigns, you will not be able to create new email templates as you go through the Drip builder, so making sure you have them already created and easy to find will make things much smoother for you. We recommend labeling them appropriately so that way they are easy to find in your pick list; examples of names could be “New Lead Welcome Email 1” or “Drip-1-Post Tour Email”. 

While you don’t have to have your campaign mapped out, knowing how many emails or texts you’re going to send, what the contents of those are, and how different interactions can occur because of them, will help you cover all your bases within Drip Campaigns. For example, if a parent replies to an email, it may set off a different workflow than another action, like if a parent doesn’t receive the email because it bounces. 

Thinking through your workflow will not only help you to create a better campaign, but also make your CRM workflow much more efficient for both you and your leads. 

Creating A New Campaign: 


When you’re ready to create a new campaign, head over to the Marketing Tab. You’ll find that Drip Campaigns now live next to “Templates”. Clicking on Drip Campaigns, takes you to a page where you will be able to see all of your Drips, their status (published, draft, and unpublished), the date they were last edited, and who they were last edited by. 

To create a new campaign, click on the red plus sign next to “Add Campaign”. 

You will be moved into the Drip Campaign wizard. The fields you will notice are as follows: 

  • Drip Campaign Name: Because you don’t want your drips campaign to be nameless, so make sure you give it a name indicative of what it will be doing.

  • i.e. “Post-Tour Drip”, “New Lead Welcome Email”, “Web-Form Nurture Drip”. 

  • Countdown Campaign: You can choose whether or not your drip is a “Countdown” or an Interval Campaign, meaning it lasts a certain amount of time. 

  • If you do not click “Yes” on Countdown Campaign, the field that will populate to the right will be “Default Drip Length.” You will then have the option of selecting a specific amount of time as the default for your interval campaign; one week, three days, etc. You can change the interval of time within each individual drip, but this setting will be a default if you decide not to do so in later steps. 

  • If you select “Yes” on Countdown Campaign, the drip will fire until a certain event, like child age out date, task due date, child expected start date, etc. In later steps you will adjust how close or far away from that date each drip will fire on. 

  • Number of Drips: This is how many emails or texts you want in your campaign. You can select up to ten. 

  • Send Between: Is where you will designate the times and days you want your drips to fire. If you do not want your drips to fire on a weekend, then you can deselect the weekend days to only have it fire on weekdays. If you want your drips to only send in the morning hours, you can change the times in the drop downs so it will only fire during those hours. 

  • Description: Is a place where you can add a few details about the campaign. This is a helpful place where you may want to add information that your staff may need to know in regards to the campaign. 

When you’re ready, then click “Next” for the wizard to take you to the next step. 

Build Drips: 

  • In the Build Drips portion, the wizard will guide you through building each of your drips. Remember, you cannot create new email or text templates here, so if you need custom templates, make sure they are ready to go before you begin building your drips. 

  • Based on how many drips you selected, you will see a status bar in a fiery orange located at the top of the window. That is your indicator for how far along in building the drips you are. On this screen, you will notice the other field options are these will differ if you’ve created a Countdown Campaign verses an Interval Campaign. We will walk through both of these individually as there are significant differences.

A Countdown Campaign “Build Drips” page will have: 

  • Start Time: If you selected a Countdown Campaign, the far right will show the event in that the Crip Campaign is counting down to, like Expected Start Date. Your first drip will be within a percent (%) into campaign completion. You can slide the green bar as far as you would like your first drip to fire, but once you set it at a location, you cannot go backwards in your following drips. In the next drips within the Wizard, you will slide the green button as far as you wish towards your stop date. 

  • Drip Name: Is the name of your first drip within the campaign. 

  • Template Type: Where you will designate whether this is an email or text message. 

  • Template: Where you will select one of your email or text templates for the drip. Again, you cannot create new templates within the Drip Campaigns Wizard so it’s important that you have already created them for this pick list. 

  • Actions: This is where you will designate workflows based on how the lead interacts with your drip campaign. Think of this as a “If”, “Then”, “When”, scenarios. Here you can select: 

  • Event Type: This is dependent on whether you have selected text messages or Emails. Email event types are bounced, opened, linked clicked, replied, and delivered. Text message even types are text delivered and text failed. 

  • Action: This will be ubiquitous for both Countdown Campaigns and Interval Campaigns. The actions that are allowed are Trigger Business Rule, Start New Drip Campaign, or Cancel Drip Campaign. You can have multiple actions for each drip. Clicking “Add” will allow you to create more, while “delete” will remove an action. 

  • Action Name: Depending on what you select in “Action”, the pick list will populate accordingly. 

  • If you picked “Trigger Business Rule”, your business rules will populate.

  • If you picked “Start New Drip Campaign”, drip campaigns that are “published” (available for use) will populate.

  • If you picked “Cancel Drip Campaign”, then as the name says, the campaign will cancel. 

Interval Drip Campaign will have: 

Drip Name: The name of the first drip in your Drip Campaign
Drip Length: How long the drip will occur. In the previous step, when you set up your Drip Campaign details, you selected a default amount of time for your drips. A Few things to note here are: 

  • The selected length of time from your details will be auto-filled in this section. For example, if you selected one week for your drips, the field will be pre-filled with one week. 

  • You can change this if you want. So, if you wanted to create a campaign with different time intervals, you can change each individual drip which gives you the opportunity to make a campaign with a drip that fires once a week, then once a day until your desired end. 

Template Type: This field is where you will select “Email” or “Text” for your type of drip.

Template: This is where you will select the template you want to use for your drip. Remember, you cannot create new templates here, so if you have to custom create new drips for this campaign, then do so before hand. 

Actions: This is where you will designate workflows based on how the lead interacts with your drip campaign. Think of this as a “If”, “Then”, “When”, scenarios. Here you can select: 

  • Event Type: This is dependent on whether you have selected text messages or Emails. Email event types are bounced, opened, linked clicked, replied, and delivered. Text message even types are text delivered and text failed. 

  • Action: This will be ubiquitous for both Countdown Campaigns and Interval Campaigns. The actions that are allowed are Trigger Business Rule, Start New Drip Campaign, or Cancel Drip Campaign. You can have multiple actions for each drip. Clicking “Add” will allow you to create more, while “delete” will remove an action. 

  • Action Name: Depending on what you select in “Action”, the pick list will populate accordingly. 

  • If you picked “Trigger Business Rule”, your business rules will populate.

  • If you picked “Start New Drip Campaign”, drip campaigns that are “published” (available for use) will populate.

  • If you picked “Cancel Drip Campaign”, then as the name says, the campaign will cancel. 

  • With both types of campaigns, once you have set up your first drip, you can click “Next” to move to the second drip in your campaign. If you would like to go back to editing the “Details”, then click the “Back” button. 

The buttons below the grey bar will move you through the phases within the Drip Campaign Wizard, such as “Details”, “Build Drips”, “Add Stop Triggers”, and “Summary”. The buttons above, “Previous Drip,” and “Next Drip” will take you to the different drips in your Drip Campaign where you can edit them. 

Continue building your drips until you have built all of your drips. Once you have reached the last drip, the Drip Campaign Wizard will then move you to add Stop Triggers. 

Stop Triggers

Stop Triggers will stop your Drip Campaign if the lead or child matches once of the criterion that is selected. You can add as many stop triggers as you want, but you do not have to add any at all.

Stop triggers are based on a Lead or Child’s status. For a child, you can choose to stop the campaign when a child: 

  • Enrolled 

  • Responsive 

  • Temporary Leave

  • Withdrawn 

  • Tour Scheduled 

  • Tour Completed

  • Lost Opportunity 

  • Wait Listed

  • Rejected 

  • Registered 

Stop triggers for a lead status can be: 

  • Responsive

  • Tour Scheduled 

  • Tour Completed

  • Lost Opportunity

  • Rejected


Is the page where you can review all the details of your Drip Campaign. You’ll see below the gray bar as shown below, you have the option to go back and continue editing the campaign, save the campaign as a draft—allowing you to come back and work on it later, or save and publish it—making it ready to use. 

Adding Recipients, to a Drip Campaign 

When you “published” your drip campaign in the builder, you made it ready for use. In order to see the campaign in action, you have to add participants to it. With this new feature, you have two options for doing this; Either with manage groups or within the lead. 

In Manage Groups,  you are able to add a group to a group campaign. If you need new targeted groups, make sure you do those before you move to add the group to the campaign. 

Once in Manager Groups, click on the blue arrow next to the group of your choice. The next screen will take you to a page where you can review all your leads; if you want to exclude someone from the campaign within the group, you can deselect the check box in the “Include” column next to their name. 

After clicking “next”, you will be prompted to select a communication method. Here is where in the drop down, you will select “Drip Campaign”, as you communication method. When you select “Drip Campaign” another field will populate to the left that reads “Drip Campaign”. From that dropdown, you can select the drip campaign that you want the group to be added to. 

Clicking next will take you to a screen where you can preview all the leads receiving the communication. Fields in the columns for your view are Lead Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Child Name. Once you’ve reviewed the leads, click next. The prompt will then take you to a page where you can “Confirm” the Drip Campaign by clicking “Start.” 

If you would like to go back to edit, then go ahead and click that “Back” button. 

In a Lead Record, you will find at the bottom of the screen there is now a section for Drip Campaigns. As seen below, in the right hand corner, there is an area where you are now able to add a lead into a Drip Campaign. Click on the red plus sign next to “Add Drip Campaign”, and a pop-up with a pick-list populated with your published campaigns will appear. Choose the campaign you want, then click save to add the lead to the campaign. 

Once the lead has been added to a Drip Campaign, you will notice that the status column will read “Active”, meaning they are actively in the campaign. Next to status is “Actions”, underneath you’ll find a red circle with a while “X” in between it. Clicking this button cancels the drip campaign on that specific lead, not the entire campaign in itself. 

Drip Campaign-Campaign View

After you either publish or save the campaign as a draft, the new view when you click back into the campaign has three tab options: Statistics, Participants, and Builder. 

In Statistics, you’ll find the overall stats for your drip campaign. Portions of the screen include: 

  • ·Campaign Events: A graph of all events for the campaign 

  • ·Campaign Actions: A circle graph of 

  • A Drips Table where you can see data about the campaign that includes: 

  • The name of the drip

  •  Type (email or text)

  • When it starts within the campaign. If it is a Countdown Campaign it will show the percentage (%) of when it will start, and if it is an Interval Campaign, it will show when within regards to the intervals, the campaign will start. 

  • Template: the type of template used 

  • Leads: How many went through the drip 

  • Events: How many events resulted from the drip. 

  • Stop Triggers: The types of stop triggers set for the campaign 

In Participants, a table will populate showing the following: 

  • Lead: The name of the lead within the campaign 

  • Status: What the status of the lead is 

  • Started on: When they started the drip campaign 

  • Last Drip: When the last drip they received was

  • Last Event: When the last event was 

  • Action: The last action that occurred

On this page you also have the option to “Stop All”, meaning you are able to stop the Drip Campaign for all participants.

In Builder, you are able to view the Summary page of the drip campaign again. Here you also have the option to “Pause” or “Unpublish” the campaign. If you saved the campaign as a draft, you will see “Back”, “Save and Publish”, and “Save as Draft” as options at the bottom of the screen. To edit the campaign in “Draft” mode, click “Back” to move backwards through the wizard to edit your campaign. 

To edit a campaign that is published and running (participants are in it), you must either “Pause” or “Unpublish” the campaign. 

  • Pausing the campaign: If for some reason you need

  • Unpublishing 

You also have the option to “Archive” a Drip Campaign. 

Reporting on Drip Campaigns: 

You will find now in your Marketing Reports that Drip Campaigns have their own tab called “Drip Camp. Analysis”. 

In the Drip Campaign Analysis tab, you will find that you can filter your reports by: 

  • Drip Campaign Start and End Date

  • Drip Campaign (the campaign itself)

  • Inquiry Type 

  • Lead Source 

  • Lead Type

You also can set View Options for your report by Organization Level, as well as adjust the type

Within the report you will fine columns with:

  • Drip Campaign

  • Drip Name

  • Active: Whether the drip is still in use or not 

  • Templates: The template used within the drip 

  • Converted Statuses that include: 

  • Responsive 

  • Tour Scheduled 

  • Tour Completed 

  • Wait List 

  • Registered 

  • Enrolled 

  • TempLeave 

  • Withdrawn 

  • LostOpp: Lost Opportunity 

Other places where you will find reporting regarding Drip Campaigns, will be your:

Email Delivery Report: In this report you can view the performance of an email template, so, if you had a template used in a Drip Campaign or a specific template created for a Drip Campaign, you will be able to view its performance here. 

If you have questions on implementation, please contact our Customer Success Team either through the chat within your ChildCareCRM system, or by emailing For more information on best industry practices, tips and tricks, and more, check out our blog at

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