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(Legacy CRM) Enrollment Teams
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 months ago

Before you begin with Enrollment Teams, it is important to make sure that you’ve identified the roles and responsibilities of your enrollment team within your organization. Enrollment Teams within the ChildCareCRM system will operate higher than a location level user; before beginning the set up of your team(s), we recommend that you have everything organized before so set up is a breeze. 

Getting Started Steps 

Step 1: Enabling Database Settings 

Enable Enrollment Teams

The database administrator needs to ensure that Enrollment Team is enabled in the “Preferences Section”. Below you’ll see a box under the “System Options” section within the preferences in your “Organization Settings” that reads “Enable Enrollment Team Functionality”. Checking this box enables this feature for your database. 

After the administrator has selected the “Enable Enrollment Team Functionality”, they will be able to edit the Enrollment Team feature in the new Enrollment Team tab found underneath System Settings as seen below. 

From this screen, administrators can edit how the Enrollment Team will interact with new leads, which types of tasks non-corporate staff can assign to enrollment teams, as well as the Enrollment Team merge variables for emails. 

To edit the types of tasks that non-corporate team members can assign to the enrollment team, click on “Choose Task Types”, located on the second row of “Feature Settings.” 

From there, a pop-up will do what it does best, and pop-up with all the options for task types. Those task types include: Phone call, Mail, Review, Email, Meeting, Starting Today, Text, Tour, and Confirm and Schedule Tour.

After the Task Types for the feature have been selected, click “Save” to save the selection. To save the setting for the entire feature, click on “Save” again, at the bottom of the Enrollment Teams Tab to save your settings. 

Step 2: Build Your Dream Team 

Assign Individual Staff to Your Enrollment Team

You can’t have an Enrollment Team without assigning people to the team! In this step, you’ll learn how to build your enrollment dream team within your ChildCareCRM system. 

Before you begin, it’s important to note that the purpose of Enrollment Teams is for you to be able to manage leads through the pipeline across multiple locations. Always check back on your current workflow and automation so you can adjust accordingly. Also make sure you already have notes of your current enrollment team and how each staff member is involved so you can adjust those settings for them accordingly when you’re setting up your team. 

To assign a staff member to the Enrollment Team, go to the individual staff member’s properties folder found under the “Staff Information” tab within “Staff Settings”. You’ll see a check box next to “Enrollment Team Member” on the left under the “Home Page View” field. This is where you are able to indicate to the system whether or not that person is on the Enrollment Team by either selecting (indicating they are a team member) or not selecting (indicating they are not an enrollment team member) the check box. If the staff member is on the Enrollment Team, select the box. If may also be helpful to make a note of their status on the Enrollment Team in the “Staff Comments” field as seen in the image below. 

Assigning Enrollment Team Representative to Locations

Next you can assign an Enrollment Team Representative to each location within the “Location Settings” found under the “Locations” tab in your “Organization Settings”( if this fits your organization’s workflow). 

If you would like one member of your Enrollment team to receive a specific location’s tasks by default, then add them as the Enrollment Representative under the location of your choice. However, if you want anyone on your Enrollment Team to be able to work on any task, regardless of location, then you can go ahead and skip this step. 

And don’t worry! If your location does not have an Enrollment Team Representative, you can automate all your locations tasks to auto-default to the Enrollment Team so anyone on the team can grab that task (this will be discussed later in this documentation). 

To add a rep to the team, go to the location’s settings, you will now see a drop down for “Enrollment Rep” under “Default Admin”. In the drop down will be a list of all your enrollment team members from which you can choose to be the Enrollment Team Representative for the location of your choosing. 

Setting Up Business Rules

Next up in this step is your Business Rules, so all your Enrollment Team Tasks are either automated to a specific representative at a location or to the entire Enrollment Team. As discussed above, if the tasks are automated by location, then the location representative will be automatically assigned those location specific tasks. However, if the tasks are just automated to the “Enrollment Team”, then any task from any location is available for any Enrollment Team member to pick up.

As seen above, in your Business Rules, you now can assign the automation to default to the Enrollment Team or Lead Enrollment Rep (Your Location Specific Enrollment Team Representative). All the tasks, whether they were assigned to a specific representative or the Enrollment Team, will be found on the home page, which will be discussed later. 

Lead Feature Settings 

Further settings for Enrollment Team allows you to manage who on the enrollment team will manage newly added leads as well as the type of tasks that non-corporate level staff can assign the Enrollment Team. 

In regards to new leads, your options are “The Rep Who Added the Lead” or “The Rep For The Location”. For the former, this would be the person who added that specific lead, meaning they would be the representative for that lead and receive the tasks specific to that lead. If you select the latter, the Enrollment Team Representative for the location, which as previously stated can be assigned in location settings, will manage and receive tasks for that lead. 

Step 3: Managing Opportunities and Tasks As The Enrollment Team

Logging in will direct an Enrollment Team Member to their Home Screen view, detailed with their new Enrollment Team Staff Properties. Enrollment Team Members and Enrollment Team Location Reps will be able to view: 

  • A pipeline for the appropriate database level 

  • Tour and Meeting Calendar for the appropriate database level

  • Tab views based on individual settings, reps may see pending leads or a list of tasks to do with multiple view options

On the Home Page, the Enrollment Team will be able to directly manage tasks. The two drop downs will allow them to sort out their tasks by task type and by date. 

  • My Tasks: Task assigned to that individual staff member

  • Available Team Tasks: Tasks assigned to the Enrollment Team that are available for grabs, as in no other staff member on the team has picked them up yet

  • All Team Tasks: Tasks assigned to the entire Enrollment Team 

  • All Tasks: Are all tasks including tasks specific to the Enrollment Team

It is important to note that non-Enrollment Team members will not be able to see the Enrollment Team tasks in their home-page specific view. 

Staff members can also sort by date. Below, as shown, they have the option of seeing: 

  • Past Due

  • Next Day

  • Next 7 Days

  • Next 30 Days

  • All

Enrollment Team Reporting 

Lead Reports

All reports with the ability to filter “Assigned To”, “Assigned By”, and “Completed By” filters now include “Enrollment Team” and “Enrollment Team Member” options. Those reports include: 

  • Scheduled Tasks 

  • Completed Tasks 

  • Tours & Meetings 

  • Tasks Past Due

Administrative Reports 

As mentioned before, reports with the ability to filter “Assigned To”, “Assigned By”, and “Completed By” filters now included “Enrollment Team” and “Enrollment Team Member” options. Administrative reports that include such options are: 

  • Staff Tour Results 

  • Staff Sessions

Enrollment Teams is a great tool for your enrollment pipeline! If you have questions on implementation, please contact our Customer Success Team either through the chat within your ChildCareCRM system, or by emailing For more information on best industry practices, tips and tricks, and more, check out our blog at

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