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(Legacy CRM) Two-Way Communication
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 2 weeks ago

To enable Two-Way Communication in your database, contact 

Some things to note:

  • Any business rule created with Email or Text Received will trigger appropriate actions as built

  • In order to interact with Two-Way Communication, users must have the Communications Privilege within the Home>Manage Lead options checked 

  • Inbound Responses can contain texts, images, and GIFs (Yes, we are equally as excited about the GIFs as you are!)

Home Screen Functionality

On your Home Screen, Two-Way Communication will be visible to any record on your level or below, considering specific user privileges. 

What you can do on the Home Screen with Two-Way Communication: 

  • Manage incoming emails and texts with a new Communications Tab. Some options within this tab include the ability to view: 

  • My Communications 

  • All Communications 

  • The Numbers indicate the #of tasks within that segment

  • The option to view communications at different time frames, although it is important to note that your default view will be “Last 7 Days”. The Time frame options for viewing are: 

  • Today

  • Since Yesterday

  • Last 7 Days

  • Last 30 Days

  • All

  • Reply to communications! This can also be done from the Lead Screen or Group Manager. 

  • Dismiss the current view of inbound emails and texts; but don’t worry, this will not delete the message that is stored in the Lead’s record

What Two-Way Communication Will Do For You: 

Besides allowing you to have a more dynamic way to connect with parents, Two-Way Communication will also: 

  • Alert you if a reply to the message you are currently trying to reply to arrives before you are able to send out a response. For example, if your staff member is trying to reply to a message a new parent has sent them, but the parent responds before the staff member can send their message, our system will alert that staff member, because no one likes being left out of the loop… or awkward responses. 

  • Alert you if another staff member has replied to the message that they are currently responding to. So just like the example above, if another person on the staff replies to a message that you’re working on, you’ll get an alert. 

  • Allow users to review and download a document to their computer (email only), store it in the Document’s tab of the Lead file, or both. Which is going to make paperwork 1000 times easier for all of you! 

Lead Screen Functionality

Once this feature is enabled, a Communications Tab will be added to the Lead/Child management screen. The tab includes a record of inbound and outbound emails and texts. 

Headers here can be sorted by: 

  • From Sender 

  • Subject Line (Email Only)

  • Message (Text only) 

  • Status 

  • Direction ­

Both Email and texts views include: 

  • Pagination of options and view options of 10, 25, 50, and 100 items per view

  • Search bars that give users the ability to search on any header that exists in the subsection 

Within the Communications Tab, users will be able to: 

  • Review inbound and outbound messages

  • Reply to inbound and outbound messages 

The Activities Tab (Replacing the Past Activities Section) defaults to view past events outside of email and text communication. Users have the option to view these communications in their Activities by using the toggle at the top to see: 

  • None 

  • Emails Only 

  • Texts Only 

  • Emails & Text 

Group Manager Functionality 

Within the Group Email and Text History(s), a user can click into a past email distribution to view the details of that activity. There is also a new feature at the top of Group Email or Text Details screen that allows users to View Replies. 

View Replies opens a list of any replies to that group message. Sorting Criteria allows users to sort by: 

  • Name

  • Email 

  • Time Replied 

Search Bar Allows users to search by: 

  • Name 

  • Email Address 

  • Time Replied 

Drilling into an individual reply allows a user to: 

  • View the contents of the message 

  • Go to the Lead Record 

  • Reply

For more information on this feature, contact us team at

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