We've made a few key improvements to streamline your workflow and enhance clarity. Here’s what’s new:
Tasks Automatically Assign to You:
No more extra clicks! When you create a new task using the “Add Task” modal, it will now automatically assign to you by default. Previously, you had to manually select yourself in the “Assign To” field, which added an unnecessary step.
This update applies to all users—whether you’re part of the Enrollment Team, upper management, center staff, or franchise staff—making task management smoother and faster.
Enrollment Caps Now Apply on Weekends:
If your center operates on weekends and uses “registrationFlow,” enrollment caps will now be correctly enforced on Saturdays and Sundays.
With this enhancement:
Admins can set enrollment caps under Admin > Schedule Types > Edit
The Enrollment widget will reflect these caps
Parents will see a notification if a program is full during Initial Registration or Parent DIY
Admins will see cap notifications in Admin Registration and when manually enrolling a student
This ensures smoother scheduling and helps maintain proper student-to-staff ratios.
Parent Names Now Appear on Payment Statements:
To make payment statements clearer, we’ve added a "Generated for: [Parent’s Name]" field at the top of every statement.
Now, the parent’s name will be clearly displayed on:
The on-screen version
Exported PDFs and printed copies of the payment statement