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Linking Schedules to Billing Plans

This guide walks you through the new feature that ensures administrators link schedules to billing plans when enrolling children.

Madison Carlson avatar
Written by Madison Carlson
Updated over a month ago

Linking schedules to billing plans helps ensure that administrators can easily associate the right billing plans with schedule types during child enrollment. This feature helps ensure children are only being enrolled in the billing plans that are applicable to their group and schedule type.

Here’s how it works (scroll to bottom for video tutorial):

  1. Administrators will begin by configuring settings that link billing plans to schedules for each group at your center.

  2. When enrolling a child in a schedule, administrators will only be able to select the schedule types that are configured for the group the child is being scheduled in.

  3. When linking a schedule to a billing plan, administrators will only be able to select the billing plans that are linked to the schedule type (and thus group) selected on the schedule.

    1. Note: This feature specifically focuses on billing plans that are linked to schedules. These changes so not impact manual billing plan enrollment.

Configuring which schedule types and billing plans are available per group

To get the most out of this feature, begin by configuring your group settings. To do so:

  1. From the left-hand navigation bar, tap Manage > Groups

  2. Tap on the three "..." on the group you'd like to configure, then select "Billing Plan"

  3. Tap "+Add Schedule Type" to add new schedule types to this group configuration.

    1. Note: If a schedule type is not added to the group configuration and linked to a billing plan, children will not be able to be enrolled in a schedule with that type for that group.

  4. Next, configure the billing plans that should be linked to that schedule type. You may select multiple billing plans per schedule type.

  5. To remove a schedule from the group configuration, tap on the "x" next to the schedule and linked billing plans.

  6. Ensure you tap "Save" once you've made all configuration changes

Adding New Schedule Types:

When adding a new schedule type to your organization, LineLeader will automatically add this schedule type to all of your groups. To aid in data entry, the system will automatically link this schedule type to all available billing plans. If you'd like to restrict this schedule type to specific groups or limit the billing plans that schedule type, visit the group configuration to edit the assignment.

Adding a New Billing Plan:

If an administrator adds a new billing plan to your site, this option will automatically be applied to any schedule types that are set to apply to "All" billing plans. If the schedule type specifies the plans it applies to, admins will need to add this billing plan to the groups and schedule types it applies to. If you'd like to restrict this new billing plan to specific groups or limit the billing plans specific schedule types, visit the group configuration to edit the assignment.

Enrolling a child in a schedule

If you need a refresher on enrolling a child in a billing plan, check out: Scheduling

Video Tutorial

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