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LineLeader Release Notes - September & October 2024
LineLeader Release Notes - September & October 2024
Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 5 months ago

Releases to LineLeader Manage

Auto proration: Flat Rate Pricing Plans

With this update, admins issuing invoices for children enrolled in flat rate weekly billing plans can now benefit from automatic prorating to ensure accurate billing. When the billing/autoProrateByDate/enabled feature is activated, the system will reference the "Program Offered On" field within the child’s billing plan to determine the number of program days. This field specifies how many days per week the program operates. If left empty, the system will default to a five-day week. Based on this information, the flat rate is divided by the number of days the program is offered to calculate a daily rate. When generating an invoice, either manually or automatically, the system multiplies the daily rate by the number of days the child is billed for during the specified billing period to create a prorated invoice.

Additionally, this update ensures prorating when children start or leave a program mid-period. The system will calculate the prorated amount considering the child's start and end dates, adjusting the invoicing accordingly.

Flat Rate Pricing Plans: Add "Program offered on" field to configuration

In this release, a new feature has been introduced to enhance the configuration of flat rate billing plans for administrators. When setting up a billing plan with any of the following frequencies—Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Semi-Monthly, or Bi-Monthly—administrators will now see a new field labeled "Program Offered On" directly beneath the "Frequency" option. This multi-select field allows admins to specify which days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) the program is offered. By enabling multi-selection, administrators can easily customize the days a program runs, ensuring that this information is captured precisely in the billing plan.

The selected days will be saved and referenced in future tasks related to the billing plan. This feature supports various system functionalities, such as schedule creation and automatic proration, where the system will rely on the "Program Offered On" settings to determine billing and program scheduling.

Update Online Transactions reports to show negative balance sweeps

In this update, we’ve enhanced the Online Transactions report for Manage customers using Adyen accounts, ensuring that any negative balance sweeps are clearly identifiable. This improvement helps prevent confusion by explicitly showing negative balance sweeps as a distinct type of transaction.

Negative balance debits will appear with detailed information in the report, including the date and time of the debit, the type listed as "Balance Adjustment," and a description. The transaction will include the Adyen reference number for further identification.

Show Negative Balance Sweeps on Ledger Detail Report

This update introduces enhanced visibility for balance adjustments that result in negative payouts on the Ledger Detail Report. As an admin, you can now easily track when funds are withdrawn from the center’s bank account for negative sweeps, ensuring your books balance accurately. These negative payouts, previously not clearly identified, will now be logged as detailed line items under the relevant accounting sections in the report. Specifically, if a negative sweep or bank withdrawal occurs, the system will automatically record it within the Ledger Detail Report

In addition, the Ledger Detail Report has been updated to categorize these balance adjustments under a new section called “Bank Withdrawal,” instead of the “Settlements” section. This allows admins to clearly differentiate between regular payment settlements and negative payouts related to negative sweeps. The withdrawal will be logged as a credit amount in the Settlements section, and the corresponding debit amount will appear in the Family Accounts Receivable section, nested within the overall sum of credits and debits.

LineLeader Enroll Updates

Email header information

This release includes a new feature for tracking email behavior. Users can now view detailed email engagement data, including when an email was first opened and when it was last opened.

Custom Task Groups

Enroll customers now have the ability to create Custom Task Groups. This adds to the customization you can implement in your system alongside fields, tasks, results, logs, & statuses. Learn more about how to implement Custom Task Groups here.

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