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Integration with ProCare for LL Enroll
Integration with ProCare for LL Enroll

Learn how to export records from LineLeader Enroll to Procare.

Lisa Henkel avatar
Written by Lisa Henkel
Updated over 5 months ago

Integration with Procare

Learn how to export data from LineLeader Enroll to Procare.

LineLeader Enroll helps you move families and children through the enrollment process, but after that your families and children need to be in Procare. Fortunately, you don’t have to enter the same information twice- you can save time and reduce errors by exporting data directly from LineLeader Enroll to Procare.

After the initial setup, exporting is as easy as A-B-C

A) In LineLeader Enroll, change the child’s status to Wait List or Registered

(this triggers the export)

B) In Procare, accept the data.

C) In LineLeader Enroll, update the child’s status to Enrolled when appropriate.

In Procare, click Procare Home > Utilities > Procare Extras. If you see "Child Care CRM" in the resulting list, then you're already set up--skip down to the next section.

If you don't see it listed, visit and follow the steps under "Download the ChildCareCRM Extra" and "First Time Setup - Log In and Map Locations".

A Change the Child’s status to Waitlist or Registered

Step 1: Find the child. There are several options:

**Option A:

  • Start typing the child’s name or the family’s name, phone number or email address in the upper right search bar.

  • Click the child’s or family’s name when it appears.

**Option B: If you’re logged into a specific location….

  • On the left-hand navigation, click the Families icon.

  • Within the Active Families, click the family’s/child’s row in the list.

**Option C: If you’re logged into a specific location and know the family’s/child’s current status….

  • On the Insights Dashboard click their status bar in “Children by Status” chart.

  • Click the Family’s/child’s row in the resulting list.

Step 2: On the “Family Hub” screen under “Children”, click the row containing the child whose data is to be exported:

Step 3: Change the child’s status to either “Wait List” or “Registered”.

· As soon as you change the child’s status to Waitlist or Registered a checkbox will appear under the expected start date to export the child- the checkbox is the “Send To Procare” indicator.

· If you do not wish to immediately export the child- uncheck this box.

· If the “Send To Procare” box is unchecked, when you save the child record an

· “Export” Button is added to the Child in the Family Hub so they can be exported at a later time.

· Depending on your system configuration there may be additional fields needed for these statuses

· After clicking “SAVE”, you’ll see the child’s new status on the Manage Family screen:

B In Procare, accept the data

Log into Procare and follow the steps documented in under the "Import Families and Children to Procare" section.

C In LineLeader Enroll, Update the Child’s status to Enrolled When Appropriate

**IMPORTANT: If you exported a waitlisted child, do not do the following steps until the child is enrolled.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 above updating the child’s status to Enrolled.

· Again, depending on your system configuration there may be additional fields needed for these statuses.

Once you’ve clicked the “SAVE” button, you are done.

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