LineLeader Enroll - Family Hub

Get to know the Family Hub and all of it's great features!

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over a week ago

Family Hub Overview

To support better experiences for our users, we've made significant changes to the Family Hub page by greatly reducing scrolling, eliminating wasted space, and organizing information into an intuitive and easily navigable format. Also, nothing is hidden behind an expanding “More Info” section any longer!

In particular, among other things….

  • Additional Contacts, Documents, and Other Locations of Interest are no longer hidden behind an expanding section; they’re now front and center as highly visible tabs. Drip Campaigns and Marketing Campaigns have likewise been moved out from behind an expanding section and exist as tabs.

  • Standard, Lead Type and Custom guardian fields have been moved to a single location rather than being spread into three different places—simply click the primary guardian to see all this content.

  • The To Do/Future tabs no longer include a mix of incomplete and completed work. Content in the To Do tab needs to be addressed, period. Once an item is complete, it disappears to the History tab.

  • There is no more All Activity tab with a confusing mess of complete and incomplete work and pending and sent communications.

  • Differently formatted cards have been replaced with standardized tables so users can more easily skim information and find what they want.

  • Editing and completing tasks and meeting has been standardized to use the Manage Tasks / Manage Meetings modals. There are no longer multiple interface types to edit or complete work.

  • Users can see form the initial page load whether they have any tasks or meetings to complete, and if so whether any are past due—no scrolling needed.

The Family Hub has three main sections:

Page Header

Family Data

The Family Data section holds details about the family:

  • A Family Info tab with details about the guardians and children and notes about the family. The action icons from the previous Family Hub have been retained and expanded to now include an Add Task icon.

  • An Additional Contacts tab to capture information about other family members. The number in parentheses after the tab name shows how many additional contacts exist; no need to click the tab if no additional contacts exist.

  • A Documents tab for attachments, CCF files, etc. The number in parentheses shows how many documents exist.

  • An Other Locations tab will appear if the family is exploring multiple locations.

  • Tabs for Drip Campaigns and/or Marketing Campaigns if enabled.

  • Family Notes also appear here.

Any row in any table on these tabs can be clicked to view more information. For example, clicking a child’s row opens a modal to see and edit more information about that child.

The standard fields, lead type, and custom guardian fields can be found by clicking on the primary guardian.


The Activity section shows details about interactions with the family....

  • A clean To Do/Future tab that just shows tasks/tours/meetings not yet completed: This will show you the number of tasks needing attention (past due), you can click any row to open the Manage Task modal to edit or complete the task.

  • A Communications tab that has the same content as our previous Family Hub’s Communications tab—but chat windows with little or no content now take up less space.

  • A History tab that shows just interactions that have been completed, so users can quickly see recent activity with a family prior to engaging with them. This is now an easily scanned table.

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