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LineLeader Enroll - Drip Campaigns

Increase enrollment and build your wait list by taking your marketing to the next level using Drip Campaigns.

Teddy Hook avatar
Written by Teddy Hook
Updated over 10 months ago


A drip campaign is a series of timed communications designed to prompt the recipient into taking some action. (Communications are "dripped" out.) Most commonly, they are marketing communications designed to prompt the purchase of goods or services--like enrolling a child.

A drip is a single communication within a drip campaign. It can be any scheduled contact with a potential customer--an email, text, Facebook Messenger message, even a phone call. For efficiency, drips are usually automated communications.

Workflow automations are automated system actions. In LineLeader Enroll they are programmable. A lot of overlap exists between drip campaigns and workflow automations, because you CAN schedule a series of communications to go out using workflow automations. But workflow automations can do things drip campaigns cannot, like creating tasks and changing status. Similarly, drip campaigns can do things workflow automations cannot:

  • Relative communication scheduling, where messages are scheduled to go out after X% of the time between the campaign start and an upcoming date—for example, after 50% of the time to a child’s Expected Start Date has passed.

  • Communication-specific stop triggers, like when a recipient replies to an email.

  • Triggering new actions after stop triggers, like changing to a different drip campaign after a recipient replies to an email.

A general rule of thumb in marketing is that a potential customer needs to hear from you six or seven times before deciding to do business with you.

Check out this wonderful blog post which explores drip campaigns in much more depth--what they are, tips and tricks, best practices, examples, everything you need to use drip campaigns to increase your enrollment and your wait lists.

(Important notice to customers with access to both the new and old interfaces: like templates, drip campaigns cannot exist in both systems. If you have access to both platforms and enable drip campaigns in LineLeader Enroll, drip campaigns will no longer be available in the legacy CRM interface. Please contact customer service if you have additional questions.)

Initial Setup

1) Enable Drip Campaigns

Drip Campaigns can be enabled via Settings > System > Features> Drip Campaigns.

2) Decide which users should have access

Access to the interface is controlled via User Permissions on the Add User or View/Edit User modals, or by clicking the View User Permissions button on the same page.

3) Create an email template or text/Facebook template for each drip you want to send out.

Create a Drip Campaign

1) Click Automation > Drip Campaigns > New Campaign

2) Add a name, status, and Communication Interval

a) Select “Fixed” to schedule communications after a set number of days have passed. (Reference step 3a below for more about fixed schedules.)

b) Select “Relative” to schedule communications after a percent of time has passed until an upcoming date. (Reference step 3b below for more about fixed schedules.)

3a) Schedule a communication to go out after a fixed period of time

Select a name for the communication. Then decide how many days/weeks/months should pass after the drip campaign starts before the communication goes out. (0 days is acceptable.)


3b) Schedule a communication to go out after a relative period of time

Select a name for the communication. Then decide what percentage of time between the drip campaign start and the target end date should pass before the communication goes out. (0% is acceptable.)

4) Select a text or email template to send. If desired, select an event/action combination that could be triggered by a recipient’s response to that communication

5) Click “Add Communication” and repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the desired communications have been added

6) If desired, set one or more conditions to stop the drip campaign

7) Click Save

Using Drip Campaigns

Families can be set up to receive a drip campaign in one of three easy ways:

A) Via Workflow Automations

On the Add Automation or Edit Automation window, select “Start Drip Campaign” for the desired Action Type and then select the desired campaign

B) Via the Family Hub

  1. On a family’s Family Hub page, click on the + symbol and select “Drip Campaigns”, click the Add/Edit button

  2. Select the desired campaign

C) Via Group Action

  1. Go to the Families page

  2. (Optional) Use Filters to select the desired families

  3. Click Group Action

  4. (Optional) Uncheck any families you don’t want to send drip campaign communications to

  5. Click Next

  6. Select “Add to Drip Campaign”

  7. Select the desired campaign

Note: You will not be able to directly add a drip campaign from within the family hub that is based on a date (child expected start date, task due date, etc.) because there is not an interface to tie what task you would base the campaign on.

If you wanted to tie a drip campaign to a family that would have intervals based on a task date, you could start that drip campaign from a workflow that has a task condition. The drip campaign would then know which task to reference since the workflow is based off of that task.

If you have any further questions on drip campaigns please contact support by emailing

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